Chor Dil Bollyflix Movie

Bollyflix Movie Chor Dil Overview

Bollyflix Chor Dil After a man receives the heart of a former gangster in a transplant operation, he finds himself drawn to a life of crime.

Chor Dil Bollyflix Movie Details

Release Date Bollyflix 2024-10-23
Runtime127 minutes
Original Languagepa
GenresAction, Comedy, Crime
rating0 out of 10

Bollyflix Movie Chor Dil Cast

Bollyflix NameCharacter
Jagjeet Sandhu
Rana Jung Bahadur
Darryl Bradford
Fida Gill
Suki Chott
Ravinder Mand
Daman Singh Sandhu

Chor Dil Images Bollyflix Movie

Image Credits: All images are sourced from TMDB.

Movie Image

Chor Dil Cast Bollyflix Movie

Bollyflix Jagjeet Sandhu as , Rana Jung Bahadur as , Darryl Bradford as , Fida Gill as , Suki Chott as , Ravinder Mand as , Daman Singh Sandhu as .

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